As my continued efforts to blog on a daily basis keep failing epically, seeing that it is February 1st and I haven’t blogged for over a month..I am going to start trying to blog on my phone! Wish me luck :/
I got a wireless card for my computer over the weekend, and tried to install it on Friday night. Well lets just say that we lost the password to the router while we were moving so I couldn’t get into our network. Then I decided that I needed to go to the laptop and see if I could disable the password security feature, but during my adventure, I was successful in disabling it, but then the computer wouldn’t connect because it wasn’t compatible with the default settings :/ so now we have no internet besides our cell phones, and our wireless network is open to free loaders lol. So today I have to go home and fix it. Anyways, maybe after I get my computer all set up and actually able to connect it to the internet, I might be able to blog daily. But we will see about that ;). I have been getting a lot of leads for shirt designing so I am way excited to get my computer up and get some more shirt designs going. (yes I need the internet lol)
While I was getting my hair cut on Friday, I decided on what I am going to do for a career, and I am SUPER excited! (We cut off 14 inches!!!)
I have 2 separate things that I want to do,
1: I’m going to open up a salon. I have a name picked out and everything already! But I am keeping that a secret till it gets a little closer to becoming a reality. I don’t want anyone to steal it!
2: I am going to open up a boutique! Focusing on clothing and home décor. I will have my own designs up for sale, including male and female clothes, and maybe even kids. Along with other clothes that will be sold there, there will be jewelry, wallets, hats etc. I am so excited!! I haven’t picked out a name yet for it, because I can’t come to an agreement with myself on a name that focuses on male and female audiences. I liked Blissful Boutique, and Chic Boutique, but they are too girly. So I am open to any suggestions if anyone has any!!
I am so excited to get these things started, and I am totally serious about it!! I will have to take it one at a time though, so I am still unsure of what one I will make happen first. But everyone keep me in mind when you want to buy clothes ;)
That will be all for now!